Hurry Hurry Drive the Fire Truck

It’s another transporation song! If your audience isn’t familiar with Fire Truck you may want to teach them hand gestures and movements before you pull out the ukulele, or at the very least prepare them for dinging their imaginary bells.  If you want to extend the song further you can begin with the firefighters putting on their boots, hats, and coat, or throw in the lights and siren.

One source I found for this song (Lynn Kleiner’s Kids Make Music! Twos and Threes*) suggests playing in D and A7 or F and C7, so test them both and see which works best for you. And if you don’t know what it sounds like, give the fantastic duo at Jbrary a listen.

Hurry Hurry Drive the Fire Truck

Hurry hurry, drive the fire truck

Hurry hurry, drive the fire truck

Hurry hurry, drive the fire truck
C7                        F  

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

Hurry hurry, turn the corner...
Hurry hurry, climb the ladder...
Hurry hurry, spray the water...
Hurry hurry, save the people...
Slowly slowly, back to the station...
Tired firefighters go to sleep now... snore snore snore snore snore.

*Kleiner credits the original lyrics for this song to Lucille Wood, 1975.

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